On the Issues
Just like the national and state Democratic Parties, the Dauphin County Democratic Committee has a platform that states our goals and the principles we value. While Democrats have diverse beliefs and hold a wide range of opinions, we all believe in improving every level of government to serve the people better.
DCDC | Our Beliefs
Redistricting Reform
One of the major flaws of Pennsylvania's electoral process is its gerrymandered districts. Pennsylvania has one of the most gerrymandered electoral maps in the country, meaning our districts been drawn to advantage one party over another. We believe the districts should be redrawn fairly so that no voters are marginalized.
Campaign Transparency
Civil Rights
Advancing civil rights is at the core of what it means to be a Democrat. We work to address issues such as the gender pay gap, bias in the criminal justice system, and systemic racial discrimination. We also support electoral integrity, voters' rights, and the inclusion of more Americans in the electoral process. And we acknowledge that LGBTQ Pennsylvanians continue to face injustice, despite the legalization of same-sex marriage.
Protecting Americans With Disabilities
Almost 60 million Americans have a disability. We work tirelessly to toughen restrictions on disability-based discrimination and improve the accessibility of our communities. We fight to expand employment opportunities and improve the financial independence of people with disabilities. We also support programs that allow those with disabilities to remain at home, ensure the accessibility of all businesses and services to people with disabilities, and guarantee the enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Immigration Reform
The DCDC believes in keeping America safe, but not by violating human rights and undermining the economy. Thus, we support comprehensive immigration reform which provides a path to full and equal citizenship, treats all people with dignity, upholds the rule of law, protects our borders and national security, and integrates millions of hardworking people into the formal economy. We also condemn ripping apart the families of immigrants who are not felons or threats to our national security and public safety.
Strengthening Education
Pennsylvania has the third-highest student debt load of all 50 states. We support allowing students to refinance their college loans at the current rates, and we make sure that colleges and universities are doing their part to control tuition costs. We also ensure these institutions are curbing sexual assault on their campuses.
Equally, we insist that all pupils of k-12 schools be given a quality education, irrespective of location. We also believe in implementing a fair and effective school funding formula, repealing funding cuts, and closing the academic achievement gap in Pennsylvania.
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